Monday, 13 April 2015

What a Great Season

Thank you to all of our parents and skaters who worked hard to make this season wonderful. Everyone looked amazing at carnival this year! We hope to see all of our skaters back next season for another great year of skating.
We would like to thank all of the parents that came out to help with all parts of carnival, that event would not have been possible without your contribution. A special thanks goes out to Patty Tomlinson, Theresa Charity and Shanna Kelly for organizing and running such a successful skating year, none of this would be possible without you! Another thank you goes out to our on ice help. Thank you to Kim and Roxanne for another great year! Also thank you to all of our PA's that volunteered their time to help with the Little Canskate and Canskate programs, this includes our figure skaters and Hillary Mason!
What a great season. See you all in October for next season!