Saturday, 15 November 2014

Holiday Skate

Thursday December 18th- is the Family Holiday skate where all our skaters and their familes are welcome to come out for a fun skate together.  Skaters who regularily just skate Thursdays are welcome to come out on the Tuesday night that week for their regular lesson.
No skating lessons the two weeks of December 23rd to January 2nd.

Do you have any Questions?

Fundraising Chocolates:  The chocolates that you had purchased as the fundraising fee for registration will be distributed within the next couple of weeks.

All jackets that were ordered should be available by Christmas.
Want to skate 2 nights/week?:  If any of your skaters are one night a week skaters and would like to skate 2 nights a week, please see Patty or Teresa.  The additional cost to go to 2 nights a week for the Canskate program is $90.  ($55 for the little Canskate program). 
If you know of anyone still interested in joining Little Canskate or Canskate, let them know they can still do that.
What Dressing Room To Use Each Night: Just a reminder to check the white board on the right side of the entrance when you come into the arena for what dressing room to use each night, as it can change.
Parent Information Meeting:  We will be holding a parent information session for each program shortly.  Dates to be advised.  But if you have questions, please just ask, you don't have to wait for the meeting. 
Happy Skating!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

It's Not Too Late To Register

It's not too late to register for skating! If you wish to register please contact
Patty Tomlinson 705-738-6819
Shana Kelly 705-731-7403
or Teresa Charity 705-738-5546

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Financial Assistance Programs

Unfortunately we have been advised that the financial assistance program of Jumpstart has run out of funds for this session. Contact us if you wish to discus payment options.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Scroll down for 2014-2015 Registration Form

Consignment Sale

We will be holding a consignment sale during registration for skating items like skates, and skating attire.  If you have an item you would like to put in the sale, please drop if off with Teresa, Kyrstal, Patty or at RJ Brown Insurance before September 11th or bring it with you to registration at 6pm on September 11th.  With the item(s) please include a sheet of paper that gives your name and phone number, a description of the item(s) and the price you wish for each item.   Any questions, please contact Patty at 705-738-6819 or

Monday, 18 August 2014

Programs & Schedules Now Posted!

Check out our 2014-2015 Programs & Schedule under the top tabs.
Registration forms are now available for download- scroll down and click on it.

If you are interested in skating and would like to apply for funding through the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program or through the City of Kawartha Lakes, please contact Patty Tomlinson to apply or discuss. (705) 738-6819 or email Funds are not guaranteed and may run out; we recommend applying early.

Download the 2014-2015 Registration Form

Click here to download the 2014-2015 Registration Form